Her kan du se seks forskellige interviews med førende danske og udenlandske forskere, journalister og forfattere, der alle giver deres vinkel på oktober '43. Alle interviews er på engelsk.
De interviewede var alle til stede til Humanity in Action's internationale konference: "Civil Society: Reactions to the Holocaust", som blev afholdt i oktober 2013 i Charlottenlund.
Anders Jerichow
Cecilie Stokholm Banke
-Sofie Lene Bak
Bo Lidegaard
Bent Blüdnikov
Ulrich Herbert
Anders Jerichow
Korrespondent for Politiken og formand for Humanity in Action
Hør Anders Jerichow fortælle om Humanity in Action Danmarks arbejde, og hvorfor oktober '43 er et relevant emne at beskæftige sig med, også i dag.
00:16 What is Humanity in Action about?
00:57 What is the October '43 conference about?
01:33 What has Denmark learnt from WWII?
2:12 Why is Humanity in Action important?
2:37 What is important about the October '43 Humanity in Action conference?
3:26 Why is it so important to tell these stories?
Cecilie Stokholm Banke
Seniorforsker i Holocaust og folkedrab hos Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier
Hør Cecilie Stokholm Banke fortælle om de forskellige historiefortællinger Danmark har haft om 2. verdenskrig og besættelsestiden. Den har nemlig ændret sig med årene i takt med at nye historikere er kommet på banen og begyndt at stille nye spørgsmål. Historie er altså ikke en statisk fortælling, men konstant i udvikling - det kommer blot an på, hvilke spørgsmål, der bliver stilt den, og hvilket sprog, man bruger for at fortælle den.
00:16 How has Denmark's WWII narrative changed over the years?
06:44 What recent historical studies have changed our understanding of Denmark during WWII?
09:41 How has the Danish WWII narrative changed in the lats 15 years?
11:40 Where are we now in terms of historical anaylsis of Denmark during WWII?
14:23 What lessons, if any, has Denmark learnt from its experience during WWII?
Sofie Lene Bak
Lektor i Historie ved Københavns Universitet
Hør Sofie Lene Bak fortælle om oktober '43, og hvordan denne begivenhed bliver fortalt om i dag i forhold til for blot nogle år siden.
00:16 What is the current Danish historian's view of Denmark during WWII?
02:50 What was the policy of cooperation?
04:35 Prior to the current historical debat, what was the accepted narrative amongst Danish historians?
05:53: How has language used to describe WWII events changed in recent years?
07:21 Occupation or collaboration?
08:47 If war were to break out today what would Denmark do differently and what would it do the same compared to WWII?
10:23 What do you think is the biggest lesson that Denmark has learnt from WWII?
Bo Lidegaard
Chefredaktør for Politken og forfatter til bogen "Landsmænd" om oktober '43
Hør Bo Lidegaard fortælle om sin fortolking af Danmarks besættelsestid og begivenhederne i oktober '43.
00:16 How did Denmark survive the war so succesfully compared to other European occupied countries?
01:11 What is the greatest lesson that we can learn from Denmark's war?
02:08 If war were to break out today, what would Denmark do differently and what would it do the same?
03:56 What if, during WWII, every country did as Denmark did?
04:37 What about those countries that resisted?
05:55 Are nation states obligated to act on what is in the best interest of their citizens regardless of what is correct and moral?
Bent Blüdnikov
Journalist ved Berlingske Tidende og forfatter til bogen "Min fars flugt: Jødiske skæbner i oktober 1943"
Bent Blüdnikovs far var selv en af dem, der måtte flygte. Hør her Bent Blüdnikov fortælle om sin fortolking af Danmarks besættelsestid og begivenhederne i oktober '43. Prøv at sammenlign den med Bo Lidegaards.
00:14 Do you think Winston Churchill was right when he called Denmark "Hitler's tame canary"?
01:31 How do you feel your father's story has impacted you?
3:33 Do you feel the succesful rescue of the Danish Jews justifies the policy of cooperation between Denmark and Germany during WWII?
05:16 Are there other reasons?
07:15 If war were to break out today, what would Denmark do differently?
08:05 What is the greatest lesson that Denmark has learnt from WWII?
Ulrich Herbert
Professor i Historie ved Freiburg Universitet, og forfatter til biografen "Best" om Werner Best
Hør Ulrich Herbert forælle om sit arbejde med biografien om Werner Best, og hans tolkning af, hvad Werner Best var for en person og embedsmand. Er det muligt, at Werner Best kan have saboteret sin egen aktion ?
00:15 As an historian, what drew you to Werner Best?
01:35 How would you characterize Werner Best?
02:40 What was Werner Best's philosophy?
03:56 Why did Werner Best change his mode of opeation when he came to Denmark?
05:46 How did he earn the nickname "The Butcher of Paris"?
07:37 So who was "the Butcher of Paris"?
10:22 Can we learn anything about Werner Best's character and philosophies from his past war activities?
11:41 How do we reconcile the differing complexities of Werner Best's character?
13:13 Could Werner Best have personally warned Jews about the impending round-up?
14:09 Do you hold stock in the rumors that he personally saved Jews in Denmark?
15:21 Are there stories of Werner Best befrieinding Jews in France?
Humanity in Action Denmark / www.humanityinaction.org/Denmark